Miami Swim Week


I had the chance to cross off going to Miami Swim Week from my bucket-list this summer and it was incredible.

I’ve worked at Ophelia Swimwear for a long time and the owner, Tori, has been the best person to work for. I was so excited to go to Swim Week with Tori and my good friend Ansley.

We arrived in Miami the 15th. We went straight to the Camilla Fashion for Breakfast Show hosted by the designer Camilla and popular blogger Rocky Barnes. After watching the show while eating avocado toast I could tell it was going to be a good week. As we walked out we bumped straight into Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman, aka the women behind the A Bikini A Day blog. It was awesome to meet and talk with them!

Day 1 the best show was the Frankies Bikinis show. The show was 70’s inspired and the runway floated on a pool!

Day 2 was my favorite. My favorite show we saw was the Tori Praver show. We were lucky enough to sit front row and get great swag bags. After that we ran into Natasha Oakley, Devin Brugman, Rocky Barnes, and Brody Jenner to name a few! We then attended the Blue Life and Beach Riot fashion shows that night.

For the last show that night we attended Indah. While looking for our seats I ran into my favorite blogger, Rebekah Steen (@GoldfishKiss!) Queen of all things beachy. I had the chance to talk with her for a while. She was the most down to earth, kind, lovely person I have ever met. It was surreal to talk with someone I look up to so much. Rebekah, if you ever see this, you rock.

The next few days were filled with market, appointments, meeting designers and bloggers, and cocktail parties. The last day Ansley and I took a fun bike ride down Ocean Drive and enjoyed South Beach. It was awesome to experience fashion week with Tori and Ansley. Big thanks to Tori for having me alongside her for this trip. Another thanks to Ansley, for being so fun and up for taking tons of pictures!



Alden Easter